In the 2017 edition the LAST-JD Doctoral Board would like to stress the attention on the following research topics for the call for applications:
1. Human Rights and Ethical Principles in new and emerging technologies
2. Ethics and law in Genetics
3. Biotechnology and law
4. Biobanks, DNA and research
5. E-health and Privacy by Design applying AI and Big Data
6. Privacy and eHealth information systems
7. Ethical, Legal and Social Issues in Health
8. Semantic Web and Legal ontologies modelling
9. Legal Analytics and AI for Legal Sources
10. Legal Design techniques for transparency
11. Data Science for Law
12. Digital Humanities and legal sources
13. LegalXML for legal document and knowledge modelling
14. Information Systems for eJustice, eGovernment, and eLegislation
15. Computational models of legal and ethical reasoning
16. Intelligent Information extraction and NLP of legal resources
17. e-Discovery and data mining in Legal domain
18. Legal knowledge extraction using ML
19. Formal Models of Norms and Legal Reasoning Logic-based models of norms and legal knowledge
20. Legal reasoning, including argumentation and reasoning
21. Argumentation systems
22. Game theory as applied to the law
23. Normative Multi-Agent Systems and e-Institutions Regulatory Compliance
24. Automotive Self-driving system and liability
25. Regulation of Robotics and Related Ethical Issues
26. Privacy and Security with New Technology Cybercrime and Computer Forensics
27. Computer forensics and security
28. e-Business and Consumer Law
29. e-Governance and e-Democracy social modelling
30. IPR and New Technology
31. Protection of children online for a safer Internet
32. Digital citizenship and vulnerability of the minor digital identity
33. Blockchain for legal domain
34. eDemocracy: theoretical and technical models
35. Artificial intelligence and democracy in the data society
36. Artificial intelligence and eJustice: legal and technical solutions
37. Big Data governance and law regulation balancing economical and individual rights